Exploring the Use of Pink Floyd in Marvel's Eternals Movie

Exploring the Use of Pink Floyd in Marvel’s Eternals Movie

Music is a powerful tool that can take us to different worlds and make us feel things we never imagined. Pink Floyd, an English rock band, has been used in both Doctor Strange and Eternals to create the perfect atmosphere for these big-budget Marvel movies. Let’s explore which Pink Floyd song was used in Eternals and why it works so well with this film.

The Song Used in Eternals: “Time”

The song featured in the movie is called “Time” and it’s from Pink Floyd’s popular album “The Dark Side of the Moon.” It was released as a single in 1973 and quickly became one of their most beloved songs. The song explores themes of mortality, aging, and regret, all topics that are explored heavily in Eternals. In the film, the godlike alien race known as the Eternals must come together to protect Earth from their evil counterparts, the Deviants. This struggle between good and evil plays out through themes of mortality and time running out. So Pink Floyd’s “Time” is a perfect choice for this movie because it fits so well with its themes of life, death, and eternity.

Why It Works So Well With The Movie

Pink Floyd’s “Time” works really well with this movie because it perfectly captures the feeling of urgency that comes with facing an immortal enemy like the Deviants. The lyrics evoke feelings of time running out which mirrors what is happening onscreen as our heroes fight against their immortal enemies who are trying to take over Earth. Additionally, the instrumental section of the song perfectly captures the epic scale of these battles between gods with its soaring strings and powerful drums.

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Music can have an incredible impact on how we experience a story onscreen, especially when it comes to big-budget blockbusters like Marvel’s Eternals movie. By using a classic song like Pink Floyd’s “Time,” they were able to capture both the epic scale of these battles between gods while also evoking emotions related to mortality and urgency – all within just four minutes! Music plays a huge role in our lives today so next time you watch a movie or show don’t forget to pay attention to how music affects your experience!

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